George W Bush congratulated a US Air Force graduate in true Texan fashion this week - by bumping chests. The US president, who has only eight months left in office, decided to liven up proceedings at the United States Air Force Academy graduation ceremony in Colorado Springs with scenes usually seen on American football pitch. With arms out-stretched he jumped forward to "bump" Theodore Shiveley from Plano, Texas on Wednesday, as the pictures above show. By the smile on the soldier's face it looks like he enjoyed his moment with the president, but Mr Bush's puffed cheeks suggest he might not be attempting the move again any time soon.
I KNOW I KNOW DOESN'T SOUND LIKE IT'S THE KIND OF MOVIE YOU WOULD RUSH DOWN THE STREET TO SEE BUT TAKE A LOOK AT TRAILER BELOW, THE VOICE CAST IN FILM AND PERHAPS CONSIDER AGAIN... Persepolis is the poignant story of a young girl in Iran during the Islamic Revolution. It is through the eyes of the precocious child Marjene that we see a people¹s hopes dashed as fundamentalists take over. PERSEPOLIS was nominated for the Best Animated Feature Academy Award.
Continuing this week is the Oscar-nominated PERSEPOLIS. Based on the acclaimed graphic novel series, this animated film follows a young girl in Iran during the Islamic Revolution and has been hailed as " will never have seen anything like this...outstanding" (Evening Standard), "terrifically funny" (The Guardian) and "a true original" (The Times). Featuring the voices of Sean Penn, Catherine Deneuve, Gena Rowlands and Iggy Pop, PERSEPOLIS is a "tour de force" (Variety) that continues its EXCLUSIVE RUN AT THE KINO from this Friday.
This is a picture of a party that was held in Dublin a few weeks ago, the child in the front would not pose for the picture because she said she did not like the baby, they did not know what she was talking about, she was the only child in the house. until they looked closely at the shape between the legs of the 2 girls in stripy tops.
This is, apparently, the work of Polish students at the Politechniki Wrocławskiej (Wrocław University of Technology), who rigged up the lights in their accommodation block so that they could play Snake on an entire building. Or so the internet says, and the internet never lies. Right?
Daniel Paul Tammet is a British high-functioning autistic savant gifted with a facility for mathematical calculations, sequence memory, and natural language learning. He was born with congenital childhood epilepsy. Experiencing numbers as colors or sensations is a well-documented form of synesthesia, but the detail and specificity of Tammet's mental imagery of numbers is unique. In his mind, he says, each number up to 10,000 has its own unique shape and feel, that he can "see" results of calculations as landscapes, and that he can "sense" whether a number is prime or composite. He has described his visual image of 289 as particularly ugly, 333 as particularly attractive, and pi as beautiful. Tammet not only verbally describes these visions, but also creates artwork, particularly watercolor paintings, such as his painting of Pi. Tammet holds the European record for memorising and recounting pi to 22,514 digits in just over five hours. He also speaks a variety of languages including English, French, Finnish, German, Spanish, Lithuanian, Romanian, Estonian, Icelandic, Welsh and Esperanto. He particularly likes Estonian, because it is rich in vowels. Tammet is creating a new language called Mänti. Tammet is capable of learning new languages very quickly. To prove this for the Channel Five documentary, Tammet was challenged to learn Icelandic in one week. Seven days later he appeared on Icelandic television conversing in Icelandic, with his Icelandic language instructor saying it was "not human."
A group of daredevils hired by car giant Nissan have sparked anger after a video of them performing stunts in rush hour traffic appeared on YouTube.
Dressed like ordinary commuters, the free-stylers found an extraordinary way of negotiating London Waterloo's morning traffic.
Running behind double decker buses, they perform gravity-defying back flips against them before dodging traffic on busy roads, somersaulting over railings and doing handstands on top of bus shelters.
The display of parkour – the urban French sport of crossing obstacles as quickly as possible using only your own strength – is part of a car advert for Nissan.
But the stunt has not gone down well. Transport For London condemned the video.
“Safety of bus passengers and road users is paramount. This may look like harmless fun but it has the potential to be dangerous.”
Nissan insisted the stunts were carried out by professionals and that health and safety staff were presented during filming.
A Nissan spokeswoman said: "These guys are not just random people off the street, they are fully trained specialists.
"They would never do anything to put the general public in any danger.
"It was done in a very controlled way. We had a safety officer on the scene assessing the situation making sure nobody was at risk."
N.B. JUST GOT THIS BY TEXT (THURSDAY 12.30PM) Hi dis is d fella who crashed d polo just 2 let ya knw d tracking went in my car nd dat was d cause of d crash actualy wasnt my fault. Let every1 knw...NO PROBS EVERYONE THAT SEES THIS WILL AT LEAST KNOW...WHICH WOULD MEAN THAT THE BELOW STORY - WHILE CREATIVE - ISN'T IN FACT THE TRUTH - ASSUMING THAT THE TEXTER WAS INDEED THE DRIVER THAT IS! As the title suggests. Have a look at what happened on south mall last night!!!! A polo with 4 very young people on board was driving down the road (driving from hillbillys towards the south mall) and spun the wheels on the cobbles. lost control completely , round the corner on the wrong side of the road, then back onto the rite side, up on the kerbs, drove along the footpath for about 30 feet and plowed into the steps to a solicitors office. hit the door n all.
What the drivers may have said to the guards!!hahaha 'I was driving along enjoying a pleasant conversation with my chums here, when all of a sudden these steps came screeching around the corner, out of control they were!' Or the possible conversation between the guard and the business owner: 'Hello? yes hello,we need you to come to your business, Is there a problem? Yes,a car is after driving in through your door door thats about 4 foot above road level.... yes! oh rite....!'
thanks to nessa for sending this one to me complete with text commentary too!
Dozens of people braved the wind and rain to chase a double Gloucester yesterday at an annual cheese rolling event. Competitors threw themselves 200m (720ft) down the steep and muddy Cooper's Hill near Cheltenham to try to catch the 4kg (9lb) cheese before it reached the bottom. First-timer Christopher Anderson, 19, was the winner of the first of the five races but injured his back and was taken away on a stretcher. Others taking part in the event, which is thought to be at least 200 years old, included comedians Rory McGrath and Patrick McGuinness. 'I did absolutely no preparation for this and was pretty worried. People were flying by,' said McGrath.
You'd think it would be a nice, easy job, driving the Google Street View car around, taking pictures of the streets of various cities to go on Google Maps, and... HOLY CRAP THAT GUY'S GOT A GUN DRIVE FASTER DRIVE FASTER OH MOMMA I DON'T WANNA DIE. Readers may wish to avoid 6436 S Oakley Ave in Chicago, if they're ever in the neighbourhood. Fans of The Wire should probably also note that Street View is not yet available for Baltimore, so no chance of Omar popping up on your maps for the time being.
A Swedish artist claims to have drawn the biggest picture in the world, using a GPS device stuffed inside a briefcase. The self-portrait – which straddles the entire globe – was allegedly created by tracing the route taken by Erik Nordenankar's case on its 55-day journey around the world. The artist claims he gave the specially-primed case to DHL, the package delivery firm, with exact co-ordinates detailing the stages of its tour. When the package was returned to Stockholm he says he downloaded the GPS's route memory to produce the enormous drawing above. It is composed of a single 110,00km long line that passes through six continents and 62 countries. "In order to make the drawing that I wanted, I developed a GPS device with extended tracklog and battery time," Nordenankar claims. As "evidence" of his achievement he has posted the picture, his complete delivery instructions to DHL, two photos of his GPS suitcase and a photo of a wad of DHL delivery notes onto his website. He has also made two YouTube videos, one showing him sketching the route onto a world map, and the other allegedly showing the briefcase at various stages of its journey. But since releasing the drawing and details of his project earlier this month, bloggers have been quick to accuse him of pushing a hoax. Many have pointed out that DHL delivery planes would have been highly unlikely to make the tight loops in the North Atlantic that form the hair of the self-portrait. Others have noted that many of the package's mid-route stops appear to be in the middle of the ocean. "[He] could have at least centered the drawing over the land areas, so it would be more believable that DHL had made stops there, as opposed to a DHL plane making loop-the-loops out over the Atlantic," a reader called Shinanigans posted on the Neatorama blog. "Were the DHL pilots on acid?" another asked. There have also been claims that the project is a DHL advertising stunt. Much of the footage posted by Nordenankar on his website was apparently filmed inside DHL sorting offices and vans across the world. Alleged technical flaws in Nordenankar’s project have also met with derision. "A GPS signal cannot penetrate dense materials. That briefcase looks dense enough to block the signal and the roof of a car or thick walls of an airplane blocks the rest," a blogger named Samppa79 wrote.
'Without Words', the film written by my friend Brian Deane and with 2 of our songs on it, has won an award in Cannes from none other than SPIKE LEE! It was up against huge compition and they chose it, flew Deany to Cannes and Spike presented him the award!
Hi Dave, We are dressing up in our Red Munster gear and doing fund raising in the office tomorrow via raffles ect. We are also taking donations which will be going straight to the Red Cross Sichuan Earthquake Appeal Fund. The numbers for the accounts are below: Bank of Ireland Account Name: Sichuan Earthquake Appeal Fund Account Number: 90382144 Sort Code: 90-00-84
AIB Account Name: Sichuan Earthquake Appeal Fund Account Number: 30212098 Sort Code: 93-35-70 We would be so grateful if you could plug this event, as you know there is a huge hype surrounding the match and if we could use this to raise money it would be great. Also considering that you are the top radio station in Cork, and the majority of our stores are based in Munster, it all ties in brilliantly.
I know that you also have a blog online, if we sent in an image of us could you put it up for us please? Any promotion for our fundraiser would be greatly appreciated.
Activists at a rally in Russia released the giant plastic phallus at a rally of Russian chess champion turned Kremlin critic, Garry Kasparov. Mr Kasparov was addressing the rally when the remote-controlled flying penises flew through the room. The device - which appeared to be a modified twin-rotor toy helicopter - caused an immediate commotion. A video taken at the event shows the chopper briefly evading capture before a security guard leaps from the stage and swats the device. According to the Moscow Times website, the prank was staged by "a couple of pro-Kremlin Young Russia activists" who had launched a "plastic phallus on propellers". The meeting in Moscow was attended by more than 500 Kremlin critics.
Australian scientists are trying to crack the mystery of how a tiny lizard found its way inside a chicken’s egg. The bizarre discovery was made by a doctor in Darwin as he made dinner earlier this week. Peter Beaumont broke open an egg and was shocked to find a dead gecko inside. “I was cracking the eggs into a pan when I noticed one of them was all cloudy. I looked at the shell and saw a tiny gecko,” he said. The lizard could not have entered the egg after it was cracked open because it was embedded between the interior of the shell and the egg’s membrane, he said. Dr Beaumont believes the lizard climbed into the chicken’s bottom, perhaps to feed on an embryo, before dying and becoming cocooned in the developing egg. “Eggs are made inside chooks up this tube from their bottom,” he told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. “Now obviously this tube is in contact with the whole outside world. It has to be that the gecko climbed up inside the chook and died up there while the egg was being formed. “If you open up a dead chook, you sometimes see the partly-formed eggs. The gecko could have been looking for a feed and got trapped.” Dr Beaumont, 60, the president of the Australian Medical Association in the Northern Territory, said his unusual find could be a world first. He has handed the remains of the egg to health authorities who will try to work out exactly how the gecko got inside the egg. The Australian Egg Corporation said it had never heard of such a case before. “Certainly the gecko wouldn’t have been ingested by the bird. It would be physically impossible for it to make its way from the digestive tract into the area where the egg’s formed,” said the corporation’s research and development manager, David Witcombe. “So it’s a case of the gecko actually making its way through the cloaca of the bird and onto the developing egg.” Story from Telegraph News:
WARNING: MIND THE LANGUAGE HERE FOLKS! A drunk postman filmed falling over in the street on a YouTube video has been "dealt with", the Royal Mail said today. The clip, "Drunk Postman Falls Over Bolton Town Centre", shows the man clutching a bollard in the street and punching the air several times before keeling over. He then uses the bollard to pull himself up and stands, swaying. He is wearing a blue and red outfit - referred to by the filmmakers as his uniform - and carries a red and fluorescent yellow delivery bag. The filmmakers call the man an idiot and shout "Ooh, mind how you go" as the man falls. A male voice states: "He's asking for it wearing a f****** uniform and everything." The man appears to be in his 20s or 30s and has short, light brown hair. The one-minute-four-second clip has been viewed more than 30,000 times since it was posted a year ago. The clip attracted 40 comments. One commentator wrote: "I love that clip! All the posties wear their uniforms to the pub after work. And yes, most of us are just like that bloke..." Another states the man used to work in an off-licence. One comment suggests the man is disgraceful. A Royal Mail spokesman said: "This happened two years ago and was dealt with at the time." He declined to comment on the postman's behaviour and said: "We don't comment on individual cases."
Roving Red Stiletto motorcycle zooms down the road. The heel took to the streets in celebration of the new Marshalls Shoe Megashop stores in Palm Beach County, US. WOULDN'T YA LOVE A GO IN THAT THING!
photographer was speared through the leg by a javelin when he got a little too close to the action at a school sports event. Newspaper photographer Ryan McGeeney of the Standard-Examiner in Utah in the US was spared serious injury in the mishap, and even managed to snap a photo of his speared leg while others worked to help him. "If I didn't, it would probably be my editor's first question when I got back," McGeeney said. The 33-year-old, an ex-Marine who spent six months in Afghanistan, was taking pictures of the discus event and apparently wandered into off-limits area set aside for the javelin throw. Striking just below the knee, the javelin tip went through the skin and emerged on the other side of his leg. "It wasn't real painful. ... I was very lucky in that it didn't hit any blood vessels, nerves, ligaments or tendons," McGeeney said. Much of the javelin was cut off at the scene. The piece in McGeeney's leg was removed at a hospital, and he received 13 stitches. The javelin was thrown by Anthony Miles, a Provo High School student who said when he saw what had happened, "my heart just stopped." "One of the first things that came to my mind was, 'Good thing we brought a second javelin,"' Miles' coach, Richard Vance, said Monday. He said Miles was "in a little bit of shock," but he assured the athlete that it was not his fault. With a subsequent throw, Miles went on to win the state title in javelin for teams in Provo High's size classification, 4-A.
This accident may look horrific but the driver miraculously managed to walk away, despite his boat flipping over at high-speed. Joe Peroceschi, from Wisconsin, was thrown from the boat as he tried to overtake another competitor during a race. 'Smokin Joe' spun up at 180 degrees as it passed 'Poppa's Toy', driven by Rick Conklin, of Illinois. Strong winds were blamed for the accident at the Budweiser Drag Boat Nationals race. A ferocious gust lifted the boat up from behind, tipping it onto its front. Peroceschi lost control of the powerful engine and was unceremoniously flung into the lake, dangerously close to an oncoming driver. Remarkably, the gutsy driver survived but reportedly suffered a shattered pelvis. The race took place at Wappapello Lake in southeast Missouri on Sunday.
An 11-year-old boy whose face and body are covered with hair is baffling medical experts. Pruthviraj Patil has suffered from hypertrichosis, a rare genetic condition also known as Werewolf Syndrome, since birth. He is believed to be one of only 50 people in the world with the condition. Pruthviraj’s family have tried a range of treatments - including homeopathy, traditional Indian Ayurvedic remedies and more recently laser surgery – but none has proved successful. Now he has appealed to doctors to help him find a permanent cure. "I would like to get the hair removed but even after laser treatment it grows back. The doctors don't have any answers," he said. The thick matted hair that covers Pruthviraj's face has caused him to be stared at and bullied throughout his childhood, and he rarely leaves his home village in India because of the cruelty of strangers. "It is difficult when I venture outside of my hometown or where people don't know me," he said. When Prithviraj was born villagers told his mother she had given birth to a God. Others thought he was a supernatural creature and a bad omen because of his unique appearance. Anita, 32, admits his condition had been hard for the family to accept. "Why did God do this to us? He looks so odd and wherever we go people throng to see him," she said. But despite his abnormal hair growth Pruthviraj, who is from the district of Sangli, near Bombay, is healthy, sporty and popular at school. "When I first went to school I used to get bullied and other children would laugh at me, but now they treat me like normal," he said. “We all play cricket together and the hair doesn't stop me running or catching the ball, so it is not a big problem." Plastic surgeon Vinay Saoji, who has examined Pruthviraj, said that the boy was suffering from one of the rarest genetic conditions. "Hairy nevus, where a person has patches of excess hair growth or hirsutism, is not uncommon. But hair persisting all over the body is very rare," he said. "Though I have seen such cases documented I had never come across anyone suffering from the condition until now.”
Armed with slightly more than wax and a few feathers, Yves Rossy has taken to the skies to show Icarus how it should be done. Swooping and diving above the mountainous town of Bex in western Switzerland, the self-styled "Rocket Man" flew at 8,200ft for more than five minutes thanks to an 8ft jet-powered wing strapped to his back. It has always been Mr Rossy's ambition to fly freely, but it has taken four years of working on his jet design for that dream to become reality. To achieve his bird-like status, the former Swiss fighter pilot was taken up in a light aircraft, just like a normal skydiver. On jumping from the plane he appeared to plummet towards earth, before his fall turned to a glide and he ignited the four small jet engines attached to the carbon wing. Once under power and using a lever to control the fuel, he had the freedom to soar where he chose. Clearly enjoying his first public flight, at speeds of up to 186mph, Mr Rossy tipped his wings, flipped onto his back then levelled out again, performing a 360-degree roll. Unlike Icaraus, the Greek mythological figure who flew too close to the sun and did not live to tell the tale, the 48-year-old landed safely using a parachute. "This flight was excellent," he said afterwards. "It's like a second skin. If I turn to the left, I fly left. If I nudge to the right, I go right." Now he is planning an even greater challenge – to fly across the Channel.