Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
help me make this cool irish travel vid go viral!
Boyfriend and girlfriend drive from China to South Africa, picking up some friends and good vibes along the way...
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
irish patriot & jedward fan proves he is an idiot (in vancouver by trying to use his fist to punch out some randomers car window)
the story of THAT kiss at those ridiculous riots in vancouver...

thanks (again)to Getty Images photographer Rich Lam sez:
I was covering last night’s Stanley Cup Playoffs for Getty Images when Vancouver erupted in riots after the Canucks’ Game 7 loss to the Boston Bruins. It was complete chaos. Rioters set two cars on fire and then I saw looters break the window at a neighboring department store. At that point, the riot police charged right towards us. After I stopped running, I noticed in the space behind the line of police that two people were laying in the street with the riot police and a raging fire just beyond them. I knew I had captured a “moment” when I snapped the still forms against the backdrop of such chaos but it wasn’t until later when I returned to the rink to file my photos that my editor pointed out that the two people were not hurt, but kissing.
Either the best riot photo ever, or a cynical, staged troll. The jury is out.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
ever seen a chihuahua flamenco-dancing? no?? get ready to tick that box...
El Willy I heart El Willy
watermelon head smash fail...major fail..he actually headbutts the ground that's how much of a fail it is...
not seen is this dumbo-dude walking off to seek medical assistance or have a long lie down....poor fella altho he looks like a d*&k...
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
that the lion's REALLY thick right?? Feckin hope so! Watch this...
Our 1 year old son Trent has the attention of Angie, a 400 pound lioness at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.
ladies & gentlemen...I present to you...winner of the worlds most-embarrassing-gran 2011...
Granny hijacks the limelight and teaches the kids a thing or two at this street performance in Zagreb, Croatia. To be fair about it she's obviously good fun!
Friday, June 10, 2011
so good..i've posted it twice...thumbs up for rock n roll!
happy weekend!
and the auto-tuned version!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Boyfriend and girlfriend drive from China to South Africa, picking up some friends and good vibes along the
make this irish vid go viral - if you like it, share it!!
meet the king of embarrassing dads....
Dale Price wears a different fancy dress costume every term day as he waves off his son, Rain, on the school bus to embarrass him.

The stay-at-home father has used 170 different outfits so far and once even sat on a toilet outside the house with his shorts round his ankles reading a paper. On other occasions, Mr Price has squeezed his burly body into mermaid, Wonder Woman, Batgirl and bridal fancy dress. Mr Price and his wife, Rochelle, first waved their 16-year-old son off last August – dressed normally – to embarrass him when the school bus stopped outside their house in American Fork, Utah.

When he overheard Rain saying: ‘Mum, don’t let dad go out there again’, he took it as a challenge and decided to up the ante. The next day he appeared in a San Diego Chargers American football kit.‘When he did it the first day I was in shock,’ said Rain. ‘You don’t want to see your dad dressing up in a wedding dress, waving at you on the bus.’ Mr Price said: ‘I hope this lives with him for the rest of his life.’

The stay-at-home father has used 170 different outfits so far and once even sat on a toilet outside the house with his shorts round his ankles reading a paper. On other occasions, Mr Price has squeezed his burly body into mermaid, Wonder Woman, Batgirl and bridal fancy dress. Mr Price and his wife, Rochelle, first waved their 16-year-old son off last August – dressed normally – to embarrass him when the school bus stopped outside their house in American Fork, Utah.

When he overheard Rain saying: ‘Mum, don’t let dad go out there again’, he took it as a challenge and decided to up the ante. The next day he appeared in a San Diego Chargers American football kit.‘When he did it the first day I was in shock,’ said Rain. ‘You don’t want to see your dad dressing up in a wedding dress, waving at you on the bus.’ Mr Price said: ‘I hope this lives with him for the rest of his life.’
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
giving life to the expression: dance like no-one is watching!
"Rumour has it this entertaining character is from Lativa. He appears out of nowhere and dances with the nearest building. Dublin has a history of street characters from Zozimus to Bang Bang and on into the 21st century. This guy gets hassle from a few gurriers at times but the majority of people accept him. He gives life to the expression "dance like there's no one watching....""
ken to barbie: it's over...

#Barbie: You might have heard the breaking news already – Ken and Barbie have split up over her unappealing deforestation habits. Ken made the announcement very public, placing a banner onto the Mattel’s headquarter in Los Angeles, after finding out that Barbie’s packaging contained timber products from Indonesian rainforests, produced by Asia Pulp and paper (APP), the “notorious destroyer of Indonesia’s dwindling natural forest”. Barbie, Greenpeace knows that “life in plastic is fantastic”, but what about making it also sustainable?
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
i ain't comin' back to your crappy-ass theatre...
The Alamo Drafthouse Cinema in Austin Texas has a strict ‘no texting, no talking on the phone or you’re out’ policy. Recently, when one angry ejectee left a voicemail complaint, the cinema repurposed it as a public service announcement for R-rated films.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Thursday, June 2, 2011
thumbs up for rock 'n' roll! super super cute viral will steal your heart...
remember the day you learned to ride a bike? this lil dude always will...
'i feel happy of myself' get the tees printed now!
'i feel happy of myself' get the tees printed now!
obama uses position to plug irish transition year, really...
From “Lost in Transition” is a compilation of short stories written by Transition Year students from Scoil Chaitríona in Dublin. The group came together in the creative writing centre ‘Fighting Words’ on Thursday afternoons from September — May and wrote, redrafted and edited their short stories, helped and encouraged by the Fighting Words volunteers.
Well done Fighting Words!
Here's more: Fighting Words is a creative writing centre, established by Roddy Doyle and Sean Love. It is located on Behan Square, Russell Street, Dublin 1.
All footage was taken from the 'whitehouse' channel on Youtube and is in the Public Domain.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Handy Sandie tries to make money by riding Tour de France legend Stephen Roche..
make this go viral! sharing is caring...
soothing head candy...the arctic light
The Arctic Light from TSO Photography on Vimeo.
From the dude who shot this: This was filmed between 29th April and 10th May 2011 in the Arctic, on the archipelago Lofoten in Norway.
My favorite natural phenomenon is one I do not even know the name of, even after talking to meteorologists and astrophysicists I am none the wiser.What I am talking about I have decided to call The Arctic Light and it is a natural phenomenon occurring 2-4 weeks before you can see the Midnight Sun.
The Sunset and Sunrise are connected in one magnificent show of color and light lasting from 8 to 12 hours. The sun is barely going below the horizon before coming up again. This is the most colorful light that I know, and the main reason I have been going up there for the last 4 years, at the exact same time of year, to photograph. Based on previous experience, I knew this was going to be a very difficult trip. Having lost a couple of cameras and some other equipment up there before, it was crucial to bring an extra set of everything. I also
made sure I had plenty of time in case something went wrong. If you can imagine roping down mountain cliffs, or jumping around on slippery rocks covered in seaweed with 2 tripods, a rail, a controller, camera, lenses, filters and rigging for 4-5 hour long sequences at a time, and then having to calculate the rise and fall of the tides in order to capture the essence - it all prved bit of a challenge.
And almost as if planned, the trip would turn out to become very
difficult indeed. I had numerous setbacks including: airline lost my
luggage, struggling to swim ashore after falling into the Arctic sea: twice, breaking lenses, filters, tripod, computer, losing the whole dolly rig and controller into the sea, and even falling off a rather tall rock and ending
up in the hospital. As much as I wanted to give up, the best way Out is
always “Through”. I am glad I stuck it through though because there were some amazing sunrises waiting. At 1:06 you see a single scene from day to night to day.
I asked the very talented Marika Takeuchi to specifically compose and
perform a song for this movie, and what she came up with is absolutely remarkable. Thank you very much Marika!
two extreme adrenaline fuelled world record jumps: 4-wheels & 2....
The Yellow Driver of Team Hot Wheels breaks the world record for distance jump in a four-wheeled vehicle at the Indianapolis 500 on May 29th 2011. Watch as the Yellow Driver, Tanner Foust, drops 10 stories down 90 feet of orange track and soars 332 feet through the air.
New Zealand BMXer Jed Mildon has created action-sports history today by landing the world's first Triple Backflip at the Unit T3 Mindtricks BMX Jam in Taupo, New Zealand.
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