Tuesday, November 29, 2011
not quite like this down inch, east cork way but we can all dream of the surf perfection captured here...
oh fiji...someday i will return with money and time
check this out! un-be-freakin-lievable #mostincrediblethingyouwillseetoday
go to at least 4 mins in this vid has it's money-shot!
Murmuration from Sophie Windsor Clive on Vimeo.
and even more murmurations i.e. amazing aerial feats by our feathered friends the starlings...who once battled to the death over the skies of cork some 400 odd years ago...so basically just after i moved here...
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Helicopter Crash Auckland Waterfront - ouch major woops moment...
'Don't worry about that Richard, ring the news room!' LOL
The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) says it is amazing no one was seriously hurt when a helicopter crashed on Auckland’s waterfront this morning. The helicopter was working to put up the city’s Telecom Christmas tree, when it appeared to clip a wire and spin out of control
Monday, November 21, 2011
a dream come true for robbie...winning the, eh, what's it called again?
oh she cute ;) can interview me anytime...
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
irish fans mob russian reporter in tallin & robbie's 'yay' pic photoshopped to shit...
ok so first the irish fans in notveryimaginativechantshocker mob poor russian tv reporter who tries to look like he is having ze craic but clearly isn't (much to the amusement of the female anchor back in studio as you will see)they just better hope he hadn't any mafia friends lurking in the shadows...
now the typically awkward robbie celebration snap that sparked the following flurry of photoshopping madness (at the behest of broadsheet.ie)

let the photoshopping begin...

good work @billiejohnson!
now the typically awkward robbie celebration snap that sparked the following flurry of photoshopping madness (at the behest of broadsheet.ie)

let the photoshopping begin...

good work @billiejohnson!
Monday, November 14, 2011
bruno mars it will rain official video from breaking dawn OST
Bruno Mars - 'It Will Rain'Official Video
Taken from the Breaking Dawn Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Breaking Dawn hits theatres nationwide Friday November 18th
@desbishop makes a classic even more classic leimigi thart
well done free music winner on red drive dave walsh from the collig 3 cds of pure hip-hop out in post asap...
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
wanna see a dude surfing the biggest wave ever surfed? yeah is the answer...
Garrett McNamara has surfed what is considered to be the biggest wave ever. The Hawaiian big wave rider caught the huge monster in Praia do Norte, Nazaré, Portugal, during the ZON North Canyon Project 2011.
The wave caught by McNamara is estimated to be about 90 feet (30 meters). Garrett was tow-in surfing with Andrew Cotton and Al Mennie when he suddenly caught this giant wave. Watch the biggest wave of all time, here.
"Everything was perfect, the weather, the waves. Cotty and I surfed two big waves of about 60 feet and then, when Garrett was ready came a canyon wave of over 90 feet. The jet ski was the best place to see him riding the biggest wave I've ever seen. It was amazing. Most people would be scared, but Garrett was controling everything in the critical part of the wave. It was an inspiring ride by an inspiring surfer", says Al Mennie.
This was not the first time that Garrett McNamara rode giant waves at Praia do Norte, which is under the influence of a phenomenon known as "Nazaré Canyon" that creates unusual giant waves.
The conditions of swell and wind direction observed on McNamara's big day were quite special. The local maritime authorities registered a wave of about 8 metres off Nazaré coast, in one of the buoys. With a WNW swell direction and a favorable wind, the canyon does the rest
"I feel so blessed and honoured to have been invited to explore this canyon and its special town. The waves here are such a mystery", says Garrett.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
beatboxing dubstep what the hey?
Beatboxer David Crowe, who performed on Britain’s Got Talent a few years ago, spotted busking on the streets of Milan last summer.
Friday, November 4, 2011
this is the secret sound on cork talks back on redfm right now!
Hey dave, is dat noise u just played, da chainsaw clown at night mare realm edwina n mallow
Secert sound is it air being released from a ballon when you stretch open the top of the ballon roger south douglas rd.
Remote control air plane sean city centre
Is the sound the chainsaw in the nightmare realm. Catherine from Shandon :-) :-)
A bouncy castle or baloon been deflated? Danny
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