Wednesday, March 28, 2012
escape to victory: elephant on the rampage in blackpool...
circuses with exotic animals on show is this right anymore?
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
cork's echogram brilliantly filmed live by shaun o'connor at cork school of music @echogram_
ECHOGRAM: Live at CSM from Shaun O Connor on Vimeo.
Filmed and recorded at the Cork School of Music, 'ECHOGRAM: Live at CSM' is the perfect showcase for this rising Irish band. Directed by Shaun O'Connor, the man also behind the band's IMTV award-winning video 'Conspiracy', we see ECHOGRAM demonstrate what an awesome live band they truly are. NO overdubs, NO auto-tuning - these 3 songs were performed just as you hear them.
ECHOGRAM - an unsigned band with great songs and a live show that will take them around the world.
seven miles under-the-sea with director james cameron (in a submersible)
Some people have called this preliminary footage underwhelming. That’s up for debate. Sure, there were no deep-sea behemoths waiting to gobble Cameron up the moment he hit the seafloor, but just think for a second about what you’re seeing here: this video was shot almost seven miles below the ocean surface, and reveals a vast alien landscape (located right here on Earth) that we know almost nothing about.
Monday, March 26, 2012
cow-a-bunga dude! these bovines are sexy & they know it...certainly have animal-print pants out-of-control
At a farm somewhere in the UK, a herd of Holsteins is released from indoor winter housing to fresh pasture for spring and summer grazing.
Friday, March 23, 2012
he gets it every time!
well at least for as long as i watched it before deciding to post (about 45 secs)
check this mullaghmore monster wave surfed earlier this month!
Andrew "Cotty" Cotton (Croyde, South West, United Kingdom) gets towed into a massive wall at Mullaghmore Head, Ireland on the last-minute XXL Europe swell. Video by Jamie Russell. An entry in the Ride of the Year category of the 2012 Billabong XXL Global Big Wave Awards. For more info see
and more here (thanks liam sinnott)
Thursday, March 22, 2012
ho chi minh city traffic in timelapse: t'is a ting o' beauty bai...
Traffic in Frenetic HCMC, Vietnam from Rob Whitworth on Vimeo.
spent an evening stuck in traffic? you ain't seen nuthin' yet!!
A timelapse of over 10,000 RAW images and multiple shoots by UK photographer Rob Whitworth who sez:
Everyone who has visited Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam knows part of the magic (love it or hate it) is in the traffic. Ever since I first set foot in HCMC I have been captivated by the city’s energy. Saigon is a city on the move unlike anything I have experienced before which I wanted to capture and share.
the, eh, kony 2012 saga: original vid, charlie brooker breakdown & footage of: THE MELTDOWN plus explaining story...
so it started with this...
more on which here
and then there were, eh, concerns, best summed up by charlie brooker of tv wipe fame...
and then there was: THE MELTDOWN...(NSFW)

THE director of a wildly popular video about brutal African warlord Joseph Kony has been diagnosed with brief psychosis and is expected to stay in a hospital for weeks, his wife has revealed.
Jason Russell, 33, was hospitalised last week in San Diego after witnesses saw him pacing naked on a sidewalk, screaming incoherently and banging his fists on the pavement.
He was in his underwear when police arrived.
His outburst came after the video's sudden success on the Internet brought heightened scrutiny to Invisible Children, the group he co-founded in 2005 to fight African war atrocities.
Russell's family said that the filmmaker's behavior was not due to drugs or alcohol. He was given a preliminary diagnosis of brief reactive psychosis, in which a person displays sudden psychotic behaviour.
"Doctors say this is a common experience given the great mental, emotional and physical shock his body has gone through in these last two weeks. Even for us, it's hard to understand the sudden transition from relative anonymity to worldwide attention - both raves and ridicules, in a matter of days," Danica Russell said in a statement.
Researchers don't know how many people suffer from the condition, mainly because symptoms are fleeting, but those with personality disorders are at greater risk for having an episode.
Brief reactive psychosis is triggered by trauma or major stress such as an accident or death of a loved one. Other stressors can include sleep deprivation or dehydration.
Symptoms include hallucinations, delusions and strange speech and behavior. People typically recover within a few weeks without medication.
Others have to take antipsychotic drugs to alleviate symptoms or undergo talk therapy to cope.
The condition causes "temporary debilitation, but in general people have good recoveries," said Dr Stephen Marder, professor of psychiatry at the University of California, Los Angeles.
In some cases, doctors say brief reactive psychosis can signal the beginning of a more serious mental illness such as schizophrenia.
Danica Russell said it may be months before her husband returns to San Diego-based Invisible Children.
"Jason will get better. He has a long way to go, but we are confident that he will make a full recovery," she said.
Russell narrates the 30-minute video Kony 2012, which has been viewed more than 84 million times on YouTube since it was released this month. In the video, Russell talks to his young son, Gavin, about Kony and the Lord's Resistance Army.
The Invisible Children group has been criticised for not spending enough directly on the people it intends to help and for oversimplifying the 26-year-old conflict involving the LRA and its leader, Kony, a bush fighter wanted by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity.
Invisible Children has acknowledged the video overlooked many nuances but said it was a "first entry point" that puts the conflict "in an easily understandable format." It said money that directly benefits the cause accounted for more than 80 percent of its spending from 2007 to 2011.
more on which here
and then there were, eh, concerns, best summed up by charlie brooker of tv wipe fame...
and then there was: THE MELTDOWN...(NSFW)
THE director of a wildly popular video about brutal African warlord Joseph Kony has been diagnosed with brief psychosis and is expected to stay in a hospital for weeks, his wife has revealed.
Jason Russell, 33, was hospitalised last week in San Diego after witnesses saw him pacing naked on a sidewalk, screaming incoherently and banging his fists on the pavement.
He was in his underwear when police arrived.
His outburst came after the video's sudden success on the Internet brought heightened scrutiny to Invisible Children, the group he co-founded in 2005 to fight African war atrocities.
Russell's family said that the filmmaker's behavior was not due to drugs or alcohol. He was given a preliminary diagnosis of brief reactive psychosis, in which a person displays sudden psychotic behaviour.
"Doctors say this is a common experience given the great mental, emotional and physical shock his body has gone through in these last two weeks. Even for us, it's hard to understand the sudden transition from relative anonymity to worldwide attention - both raves and ridicules, in a matter of days," Danica Russell said in a statement.
Researchers don't know how many people suffer from the condition, mainly because symptoms are fleeting, but those with personality disorders are at greater risk for having an episode.
Brief reactive psychosis is triggered by trauma or major stress such as an accident or death of a loved one. Other stressors can include sleep deprivation or dehydration.
Symptoms include hallucinations, delusions and strange speech and behavior. People typically recover within a few weeks without medication.
Others have to take antipsychotic drugs to alleviate symptoms or undergo talk therapy to cope.
The condition causes "temporary debilitation, but in general people have good recoveries," said Dr Stephen Marder, professor of psychiatry at the University of California, Los Angeles.
In some cases, doctors say brief reactive psychosis can signal the beginning of a more serious mental illness such as schizophrenia.
Danica Russell said it may be months before her husband returns to San Diego-based Invisible Children.
"Jason will get better. He has a long way to go, but we are confident that he will make a full recovery," she said.
Russell narrates the 30-minute video Kony 2012, which has been viewed more than 84 million times on YouTube since it was released this month. In the video, Russell talks to his young son, Gavin, about Kony and the Lord's Resistance Army.
The Invisible Children group has been criticised for not spending enough directly on the people it intends to help and for oversimplifying the 26-year-old conflict involving the LRA and its leader, Kony, a bush fighter wanted by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity.
Invisible Children has acknowledged the video overlooked many nuances but said it was a "first entry point" that puts the conflict "in an easily understandable format." It said money that directly benefits the cause accounted for more than 80 percent of its spending from 2007 to 2011.
into outer space strapped to space shuttle boosters then back down with a splash in 800 secs...
mesmerizing! (then again I am easily amused/amazed/mesmerized)
Spectacular footage from a new special edition of the NASA documentary Ascent: Commemorating Shuttle.
Your hosts: two cameras strapped to the side of the booster rockets on Atlantis and Endeavour as they accelerate to over 4,800kph, re-enter the atmosphere from 66km up and hurtle back down to the ocean.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
fantastic guerilla art exhibition in dublin makes appropriately cutting cultural comment wonderfully soundtracked by @fredtheband
Text taken from post on the tube that's you: 'Romantic Ireland: From The Streets' is an exhibition of art work hung at Anglo Irish HQ, North Wall Quay, Dublin. Anglo Irish Bank was a central player in the madness that went on in this country. This site is an exceptionally appropriate and evocative symbol of the audacity shown in the previous 20 years and the results of that audacity. We own this building through NAMA therefore no permission need be sought to use it. Nobody sought permission to spend our taxes on private debt.
September 1913' is a century old acceptable and relevant comment on the effect of greed on the ideals of a nation. On St. Patrick's Day the world is watching us celebrate artistically. It seems appropriate to display an artistic response on this day that shows we're also capable of a bit of reflection.
This exhibition is an artistic response. It is part of a wider ongoing discussion around ideas of sovereignty and nationhood. Was it always like this? Are ordinary people consistently sold a lie for the benefit of a relatively small group of people? It has the potential to establish a starting point for a different discussion on Ireland. Is there a place for idealism? Is it a romantic notion? Is idealism interchangeable with naivety? What does it mean to be Irish? What is the relationship between the economy and being Irish? Or the economy and sovereignty or being Irish and sovereignty? We were in the exact same place 100 years ago. The exhibition is a statement of a few things, one of which is that there are many people who never lost the run of themselves over the course of the economic 'boom'. These people are still here. While the only discussion about Ireland to be heard is about the economy, this exhibition concerns what's best in being Irish -- Creativity, Self reliance, Community.
It was done for free by all participants.
It is a gift to the state
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Friday, March 16, 2012
fred live@triskel christchurch beautifully shot by myles o'reilly @ArbutusYarns
wow check out his other music doc's here
wow check out his other music doc's here
Thursday, March 15, 2012
yak shemash! polish fans are a little intense...check these fans going bonkers at under-age footy matches...
just a bit of warning if you headed for poland in the summer they like their football and aren't afraid to show it! #nowthatswhaticallpassion #whatthehell
how to grow your own leprechaun south korean style! very cute...
you will like this! irish guy teaching english to kids in south korea is asked to come up with an irish-themed project to celebrate st patricks day...what he comes up with is nothing short of magical and quite quite perfect...
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
see just how good last friday's straight ahead fashion show in silversprings was here...
Straight Ahead - Charity Fashion Show from Paraic English on Vimeo.
Straight Ahead provides free surgery for Irish children who need urgent operations for severe orthopeadic deformities such as scoliosis, developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) and neuromuscular limb deformity and are currently on unacceptable waiting lists.
For some of these the waiting leads to a deterioration of their condition, considerable pain and a huge reduction in their quality of life. Straight Ahead wants to do something about this and are looking to complete 10 such free operations in the next year.
Straight Ahead has a fantastic team of surgeons, nurses and other medical staff at Our Lady's Children's Hospital, Crumlin waiting to complete these surgeries, many of them providing their time for free. In addition a number of Irish medical device companies have generously provided free surgical implants to ensure that these surgeries are completed for the lowest possible cost.
Normally these 10 operations would cost about €500,000 but Straight Ahead has reduced this cost to €150,000. We have already started doing these life changing operations (see the “before and after X-Rays” on this page from our first operation) but we need your help to reach our target. By giving a donation, running an event or taking on a sponsored challenge you can help us reach our goal to change the lives of at least 10 Irish children in the next 12 months.
cork's nollaig o'connor from the voice covering pumped up kicks on red rooster brekkie show...
sounds good nollaig sounds very good!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
i still haven't found what i'm looking for as gaeilge on grafton street... #Bródclub
The Dublin Gospel Choir do U2′s I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For’ on Grafton Street, Dublin. From episode 2 of Bernard Dunne’s Bród Club on RTE.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Saturday, March 10, 2012
missed mac the mannequin? help out @corksredfm childline charity cup bid here
So Mac The Mannequin in Mahon Point was fun and raised an extra 500 on top of the existing 500 another couple of hundred from team and work colleagues and we will just be short 300 so if u could see it in your heart to support us fandabbidozy click the link and get busy oh just so you know it's the entry fee for RedFM team in a childline fundraising 7-a-side footy comp held in Mayfield sunday 11th (yes tomorrow for those who see this immediately and i know i should have set this page up ages ago but there you go charity page setting up fail for the mac) cheers collective ears Dave Mac
click to donate here purlease
click to donate here purlease
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
thanks again @broadsheet_ie: dollar shave club...the time has come
now that's what i call an effective viral...
Monday, March 5, 2012
if you haven't seen/heard 'i'm elmo & i know it' you are in for a treat!
best parody song ever? certainly the cutest...
donal dineen chats to maverick sabre...
Maverick Sabre also known as Michael Stafford talks with Donal Dineen - Feb 29th 2012. Number four in an ongoing array of Sitting Room Interviews.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Thursday, March 1, 2012
fictitious TED talk from 2023 sets tone for new Ridley Scott movie Prometheus...
In an interview with TED, Luke Scott (Ridley’s son), who directed the clip, explained the thinking behind the teaser. “Prometheus takes place in the future, but it’s a movie about ideas, and I just felt like it would be really cool to have one of the characters from the movie give a TEDTalk. Obviously, since the movie is set in the distant future … wouldn’t it be cool if it was a TED talk from a decade in the future? And what is a TEDTalk going to look like in 10 years?,” he said.
Offering some further clues as to what the world of Prometheus might look like, the TED website offers a bio for Pearce’s character, writing, “… It would be his dynamic break-throughs in generating synthetic atmosphere above the polar ice cap that gained him worldwide recognition and spawned an empire. In less than a decade, Weyland Corporation became a worldwide leader in emerging technologies and launched the first privatized industrial mission to leave the planet Earth.”
The film is due out in June of this year. It was previously teased at Comic Con and already has 100,000 fans on its official Facebook page.
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